A token is a smallest independent unit of program. (also words in c language is called tokens)
Tokens are of 5 types➜
  • Keywords/Reserved words
  • Identifiers
  • Literals
  • Operators
  • Separators 

  1. Keywords/Reserved words -: These are the tokens which have fixed meaning in a language.                                                                                                 e.g -:  void,if,for,while etc.
  2. Identifiers                              -: These are programmer made tokens.
  3. Literals                                   -: These are the constants used in c program.
  4. Operators                               -: These are the tokens that computes and then return.                                                                                                                   e.g -: +,-,*,<,>,>=,<= 
  5. separators                                -:These are the tokens that separates one section of code from                                                                                                  another. e.g -: [ ] , { } , ( ) 

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